Automatic Packet Reporting System

* Ensure you first send an APRS beacon. Most features pull your location data from a recent beacon.

I often use https://aprs.fi to view packets that have made their way through an iGate of some kind onto the Internet. My vehicle uses W6KKO-12 via a one-way Byonics tracker. Thus, do not send messages to that -12 ssid. Also avoid my -10 ssid as that is my iGate and does not receive messages.

To contact me I use the w6kko (home), or w6kko-7 (handheld), or w6kko-9 (mobile) ssid. Do not use -12 or -10.

Below is an APRS shortcut PDF I created to help myself and anyone else that needs it. Enjoy it on your mobile device, or tablet. Perhaps print it out on both sides of a paper and laminate it. It is definitely not all inclusive. There are things like SMS that one needs to sign up for and other services that are somewhat redundant. Perhaps grab what you want from my list and make your own. Have fun!

APRS Shortcuts PDF 45KB
FM Satellite Reference PDF 430KB via KA7FVV.net

A particular useful function is through MPAD and the posmsg option. This will generate an email with your position information to the address you indicate in the body of the message. Basically, To: MPAD Msg txt: posmsg address@somedomain.com The result will be similar to the image below. You are unable to send any additional text, but it will provide your location details.